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Albert, Katelin, & Gray, Garry. 2023. Keeping up with COVID‐19 information: Capacity issues and knowledge uncertainty early in the pandemic. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie60(4), 594-615.

Albert, Katelin, Amanda Couture-Carron, and Erik Schneiderhan. 2023. “Non-physical and ambient sexual harassment of women undergraduate university students in Canada: A Diary Study.” Accepted at Violence Against Women.

Albert, Katelin. 2022. “‘All I do is present what is given to us as the facts’: Progressive Sex Education and the Reproduction of Inequality in Public School Classrooms.” The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 31(1): 103-116.

 Albert, Katelin. Jonah Stuart Brundage, Paige Sweet and Frédéric Vandenberghe. 2020. “Towards a Critical Realist Epistemology?” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 50(3): 357-372.

 Albert, Katelin. 2019. “Beyond the Responsibility Binary: Analysing Maternal Responsibility in the HPV Vaccination Decision.” Sociology of Health and Illness. 41(6): 1088-103.

 Albert, Katelin. 2015. “Towards a New Normal: Emergent Elites and Feminist Scholarship.” The American Sociologist, 46: 29-39.

Albert, Katelin. 2014. “Erasing the Social from Social Science: The Intellectual Costs of Boundary-Work and the Canadian Institute of Health Research.” Canadian Journal of Sociology, 39(3): 393-420.


Albert, Katelin and Nell Perry*. 2024. Provincial policies on campus sexual violence are inconsistent across Canada. The Conversation. Access:

Albert, Katelin. 2012. “Documenting our Future History: Contemporarily Making Social Science.” Timelines, 20, ASA History of Sociology Section’s newsletter.

Albert, Katelin. 2012. “On Bringing Theory to Life: Theorizing and the History of Sociology.” Interview with Dr. Richard Swedberg (Cornell University), Timelines, 19, ASA History of Sociology Section’s newsletter.

Albert, Katelin. 2012. “On Privilegeand Exception.” Interview with Dr. Shamus Khan (Columbia University), Timelines, 19, ASA History of Sociology Section’s newsletter.

Derksen, Linda, Katelin Bowes (Albert), Jerry Hinbest, and Pamela Shaw. 2009. “Gabriola Transportation Alternatives Survey: Final Report.” Survey undertaken for the Gabriola Ferry Advisory Committee.

Albert, Katelin. 2008. “Discussions with school based Speech-Language Pathologists: Final Report.” Submit to the British Columbia Government.

Bowes (Albert), Katelin, Jill Fikowski, Melanie O’Neill. 2007. “Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Concepts and Controversy.” Visions 3 (3), 6.